2024 National Convention

USA 2024 National Convention


Our 2024 FGBMFI-USA CONVENTION was a phenomenal display of the Holy Spirit and that he has intensified his FIRE – FUEGO, on the Fellowship and on each of us to change the world IN UNITY! 

The FGBMFI is anointed by the Holy Spirit. And that was certainly evident in the election of a new president, only the 4th  president  the FGBMFI in America has had in 72 years, as businessman and family man, Gabriel Jacquez, was elected by a move of the Spirit on each heart to succeed the phenomenal job that Mike Postlewait has done over the past six years in rebuilding the Fellowship and making the ground Holy once again. 

Every speaker, from Philip Renner to Milton Valle to Orrie Holman to Tommy Combs, all brought the Intensified Fire down upon the Convention - and we saw a move of the Spirit so great and big, as members from many nations had come to America to share our joy and our Fellowship, and the Holy Spirit put His Fire upon us and there was contagious joy, praising and dancing in the aisles, as we shouted the word, FUEGO, FIRE, and the Holy Spirit ignited the Fellowship at that moment worldwide to save souls.

Words came forth of the greatness of the Spirit, and that we were under His anointing, doing His work, not just celebrating, but aflame with the Holy Spirit. 

Yes, there were healings and so many blessings, and with so many new young people and members, as well as older members, it was the Spirit seen by Demos Shakarian in his book, THE VISION INTENSIFIED, that he had seen there would be a moment as this in world time for a fuller infilling and covering of the Spirit, as a raging flame across the world

And the mix of cultures that make up AMERICA was so evident that the Vision of Demos, of men and women holding hands and raising them around the world was a theme of the Convention and was in truth before us, as lively music from Central America as well as classic praise songs accompanied the Spirit and the Vision in each heart. The Convention was in English and Spanish, and the interpreters were as anointed as the speakers!

The spiritual theme of our 2024 USA Convention is John 4: 23-24, “We Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth,” a theme President Mike Postlewait, known for teaching, “the Holy Spirit is always in charge,” called us to work under with passion this year to ensure the Mission of the Fellowship, winning souls to Christ, is always guided by the Holy Spirit. 

From the first moments on Thursday afternoon of the 2024 FGBMFI-USA Convention, the packed audience knew this was going to be a special moment – THE HOLY SPIRIT was present, and the anointing of the Spirit was felt by everyone in the room as the Spirit descended on the ballroom like a tidal wave.  

National Director of Prayer Dave MacBurnie and his team, as well as the USA Fellowship leaders, had been praying and fasting for several months before the ballroom doors were opened, and Fredy Espana, the hard-working convention chairman from Philadelphia who had put the convention together from his vision for the region, had men praying as they walked the hotel grounds; New York City Field Rep, Leon Fergeson circled the building repeatedly praying in his heavenly language over the building, and Director Joel Swallow of Florida, anointed every seat and table, the podium, and the music stage, commanding any evil to be gone and for Heaven to open its gates and let the Holy Spirit rain.

And of course, chapters and members across the country had been praying for almost a year. And in prayer, we had overcome every obstacle the enemy put before us! The enemy didn’t want this Convention because it was so spectacular in the Spirit and the message to us – go forth with Fire upon us, expect a huge harvest, go forth, expect miracles and more, go forth, go forth, the anointing is upon us and breaks anything the enemy does!

A speaker said that when we enter a room, or wherever we walk, the enemy has to go because the Spirit is within us and the enemy cannot be there! Hallelujah!

The opening event on Thursday afternoon had all present call for and welcome the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit arrived and never left. In fact, it was as if the Holy Spirit had met each of us at the front doors and greeted us!

Every event, every speaker, every testimony, brought forth shouts of praise, singing, voices in tongues, as every person had prayed for and expected the Spirit to be in attendance. 

Each session had inspirational teachers, and all featured ministry in the Spirit, with so many healings and miracles and restorations, as well as salvations, and praise music of all styles that rocked the room, and joy was so evident as lines of attendees danced around the room to the music as the Happiest People on Earth. 

There were many, many young members and youth in attendance, and all mixed together in praise and worship. 

Every service ended in fabulous ministry that lasted for hours each day, and members were praying for each other, and families and children all over the hotel. 

Many went out to the streets and every meeting had reports of locals saved by members, as well as by featured speaker, Philip Renner, who each day ministered in the streets of Philadelphia and then arrived at the convention in the evening with great reports and great ministry to the gathering. 

Musician, author, teacher, and film producer, Milton Valle rocked the convention in the Spirit every day and shouted the word, FUEGO,FUEGO, FUEGO – and the fire of the Spirit caught each one of us and no one was left untouched by the presence of God! 

Author, and evangelist Orrie Golden held a live action seminar on the power of the Holy Spirit.

On Saturday morning, noted pastor and evangelist Tommy Combs, held the communion and his ministry was so powerful so many were on the floor across the event.

And on Saturday night, for the first time in our long and blessed history, the Convention left the ballroom and hotel and went to downtown Philadelphia, to TAKE IT TO THE STREETS! Hallelujah! It was a vision given to the Regional Director, Fredy Espana, to do what we had to do and it was so wonderful and joyous, and we lived Psalm 133, How pleasant it is when brothers are together in harmony. 

For the first time in our history, everyone left and hit the streets with joy, to a center, and there they brought the message of our dear Jesus to the lost, and the Spirit shouted, come home to Jesus, come home. 

On Saturday morning, while speaking on Zoom to a Fellowship chapter meeting in Missouri with Bob Nations, to give a live report on what was happening to members who couldn’t make it to the Convention, the Holy Spirit was the message and all who were at that meeting felt and knew the joy of the Spirit, as well as the Fire, that is upon the FGBMFI.

And the realization in the Spirit was that that FIRE had begun in Philadelphia but had already spread to Missouri in the center of America! And as we all would leave and return to our homes, the fire would be contagious, more than any virus, and our steps are anointed of the Spirit to GO FORTH, GO FORTH, and complete the Vision, we have the FIRE! 

Incoming president Gabe Jacquez spoke to the Convention and spoke of his love for the Fellowship and how the Lord is using us, we, the Fellowship, to save lives and change the country and the world. 

We will carry the Fire to Honduras for the World Convention in July, and we are the hand of the Lord in the world today, with an intensified Vision and anointing. Hallelujah!

By Lorenzo Porricelli

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