School of the Vision
Join us for the 2024 School of Vision this summer.
The Next FGBMFI-USA School of the Vision begins on January 2025
12 Classes That Will Transform Your Chapter and Your Life!
In 1952, God gave Demos Shakarian a clear and compelling vision: to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with men and women around the world. This vision remains just as vibrant and relevant today as it was then. It's the foundation upon which Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International (FGBMFI) was built, and it continues to guide us in our mission to spread the Gospel and empower believers to this day.
- THE FGBMFI School of the Vision is not a conventional school to train the mind or teach skills for a profession.
- It is a form of prophetic impartation to help our members be more RESPONSIVE to Jesus as Lord by the Holy Spirit.
- The FGBMFI School of the Vision HELPS our students’ become INSTRUMENTS in the hand of Jesus to minister the gifts and the fruit together by the Holy Spirit.
- Each class is an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to come into contact with the
students and impart spiritual revelation about how they can cooperate with Him
in His mission in the earth today.
The books written by Demos Shakarian give the opportunity to learn these things:
❖ The Happiest People on Earth
❖ A New Wave of Revival- The Vision Intensified
❖ A New Wave of Revival in Your Finances
❖ The Greatest Business in the World