Next Fire Team

The Fire is Coming to your Region

 North Carolina is getting ready to welcome the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Stuart and Iliana's wedding at the Barn.

Fire Team 

Don't Miss This Event in North Carolina from September 4 to 8, 2024!

What is a Fire Team?

A Fire Team is an event organized by FGBMFI that takes place in businesses, schools, and on the streets. 

It is similar to a Chapter meeting, where the mission of FGBMFI is explained, and a brief message of success and personal transformation is shared. 

During these events, individuals are invited to visit local Chapters to learn more about the organization.

Finally, but certainly not least, are the testimonies of miracles and wonders such as healings, family restorations, financial blessings, and other extraordinary occurrences that take place during these events.