Our History
The beginning
In the early 1900's, led by God, the Shakarian Family escaped the Holocaust in Armenia and made their home in Downey, California where they started a 20-Acre dairy with three cows. Faith in God, good judgment and hard work eventually multiplied that first little herd one-thousand fold, until in 1943 the Shakarian herd had reached three thousand, the largest private dairy in the United States at that time. Their story is found in the book, "The Happiest People on Earth”, translated into 25 languages and read by millions of people.
The Decade of Foundations
In the 1950’s, chapters began to spring up all over the United States. It was discovered that holding chapter meetings in an informal setting was most successful, typically around a meal, where members would have the opportunity to share their stories with each other of how God had impacted their lives for the better. As FGBMFI was quickly spreading across the United States, the organization was getting the attention of influential people such as then Vice-President Richard Nixon.
In January 1952, after receiving a God-given vision the previous month (click here to read about the vision), Demos Shakarian incorporated FGBMFI, beginning with one small chapter of businessmen meeting every week in Clifton’s Cafeteria in Los Angeles, California.
The Decade of Expansion
The organization truly became “International” in the 1960’s, as FGBMFI began to conduct “Airlifts” to other countries. The first such “Airlift” took place in 1965, when more than 400 members and their families filled three jets and flew to London. From there they fanned out all over Europe sharing the good news of a better life with God and forming new chapters along the way. This was followed in succeeding years by more “Airlifts” to Europe, Africa, the Near East and the Far East. An exciting “Airlift” to Vietnam was conducted during the height of the war – the TET offensive. Thirty-Two FGBMFI members witnessed many miracles as they met with soldiers all over Vietnam. Even to this day our “Airlifts” have the same impact.
The Decade of Influence
During the 1970’s, The Fellowship launched an all-out effort to make the general public aware of FGBMFI in the 1970’s. One of the tools used was the Good News Television Show. In addition to the regular telecasts were several prime-time specials including Good News America, The Happiest People on Earth, and Turning Point. Another influential production was the release of the book Happiest People on Earth telling the story of Demos and Rose Shakarian. During this time FGBMFI was beginning to have an effective influence on world leaders who were becoming friends of the Fellowship.
The Decade of Unity
During the 1980’s, FGBMFI numbered 2,646 chapters around the world. Every month it was estimated that 700,000 people met regularly in chapters. Later, in the 1980’s the beautiful FGBMFI International Headquarters was built in Costa Mesa, California. It was 160,000 square feet with 125 employees. The global organization, although spread across many nations, was uniting as one.
As Founding President, Demos Shakarian brought together FGBMFI leaders from around the world during the month of November 1982, on the 30th anniversary of the Fellowship.
During that meeting, Demos laid out God's prophetic direction for the future of the Fellowship; and for each member.
Jesus was making Demos aware of something bigger -- an end-time strategy -- to change the Body of Christ and prepare it to participate in The Great Endtime Harvest.
As Founding President, Demos Shakarian brought together FGBMFI leaders from around the world during the month of November 1982, on the 30th anniversary of the Fellowship.
During that meeting, Demos laid out God's prophetic direction for the future of the Fellowship; and for each member.
Jesus was making Demos aware of something bigger -- an end-time strategy -- to change the Body of Christ and prepare it to participate in The Great Endtime Harvest.
The Decade of Transition
In 1993 the beloved founder of FGBMFI, Demos Shakarian, went home to be with the Lord. It was Demos’ keen desire to see his son, Richard Shakarian, follow him as the FGBMFI International President. When the moment came for Richard to take his father’s place, he conceded that he only knew to do one thing – pray. As he prayed, he felt impressed by God that his role would be “The Great Encourager.”
In this new millennium, FGBMFI has become one of the largest businessmen networks in the world. In over 85 nations and with thousands of chapters globally, the reach of FGBMFI is significant. From the Americas to China, from the Middle East to Africa… and beyond, FGBMFI is leading tens of thousands, even millions to a new and better life. Cities and nations are being changed for the good, one life at a time - a true grass roots effort. Now is the time to be a part of an organization making a real difference in the lives of people all around the world!
2018 to Present Day
On February 10, 2018 in a solemn meeting of the International Directors, held in the city of Houston, USA; Mr. Mario García Olvera was elected by a majority vote as the new International President of FGBMFI.
We are sure that Mr. Garcia, with the help of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will be able to carry out the reconstruction and rebirth of our worldwide organization for these final times.
Mario is a man dedicated to agricultural business, he is married and has 3 children, who reside in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. He has been an active member for 24 years and has held different positions in his country, currently he is also the National President of FGBMFI Mexico, according to the International Bylaws.
Mario was named by Dr. Richard Shakarian as Regional VP for Latin America and in recent years he focused on the unity and growth of South America.
He was a close adviser to Dr. Richard Shakarian, involved in projects worldwide and visiting different continents, carrying forward the vision and purposes of our organization. He is known as a simple and humble man and in all the regions where he shared, seeds were left sown with Love, Unity and Respect.
Let us ask God for his life, for his leadership, so that he may receive wisdom from above and carry out the work for which he has been called in these special times at the head of this great global organization.
The Holy Spirit has regained control of the FGBMFI in the United States
On Saturday, July 21,2018 (Demos’ 105th birthday), at the FGBMFI World Convention in Las Vegas, Int'l. President Mario Garcia and his senior leadership team agreed to accept Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International USA (KS Not-For Profit) to represent FGBMFI in the United States.
With a majority of directors present, officers were elected to form the initial leadership team. Those officers are:
- Mike Postlewait, USA National President, KS
- George Segersbol, USA National Vice President, TX
- Rudy Rivera, USA National Vice President, LA
- Ronald Bauza, USA National Vice President, FL
- Joel Swallow, USA Secretary , FL
- Paul Lai, USA National Treasurer, HI
Mike Postlewait is the CEO of Management by Strengths (MBS), a team building and communication strategy company who's largest clients include Delta Airlines and Hendrick's Motorsports. He attributes his business success to basing it upon the Word of God. He is married to his beautiful bride of over 50 years, Sharon, and has 6 children, 17 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren!
Mike was introduced to the Holy Spirit in the early 80's at a FGBMFI meeting where Benny Hinn was teaching a workshop on the Holy Spirit. Since then he has been leading his life by the Holy Spirit, basing it upon truth and the principles of the bible. Mike has served in all chapter leadership positions in addition to being an International Director for the USA prior to his election as president. Mike is a true man of God who makes all decisions with the direction and council of the Holy Spirit. Please keep Mike and all our leadership in your prayers as they take on the monumental task of breathing life back into the fellowship across the USA! - 1 John 3:16